The iGPM method was specifically developed for professional and competitive sports team coaching. In a further step we developed a variation of the method to meet the specific demands and requirements of interactive teams in companies and organizations. The method is based on the a new model for diagnosis and visualization of the group dynamic structures and processes in interactive teams.
iGPM stands for (i)nteractive (G)roup (P)erformance (M)odel. With the iGPM method, a team’s complete planning cycle is taken into consideration. The team coaching is taking team diagnosis results into account that will be captured on a regular basis. The approach focuses on the team as a unit. It includes f.e. in team sports not only the athletes, but also the coaches and other staff members who regularly work with the squad. The method’s basic assumption is that the team, throughout the time it is working together, takes on different characteristics, based on its composition, its environment and shared experiences. These characteristics have a significant effect on the team’s performance and stability, and indirectly on the team’s success or failure.
The iGP² model was designed by Heinz Wübbena within the scope of a theory-based external research project, and validated using a case study of Bundesliga handball. Additional work was initially focused on developing and validating the iGPM questionnaire, and subsequently on quantitative studies to test the falsification of the iGP² model’s hypotheses, as well as building up reference databases.
For this purpose, a joint venture was set up with the Institut für Sportwissenschaft (Institute for Sports Science) at Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg. Prof. Dr. Andreas Lau is providing the project’s scientific leadership.

Professor Andreas Lau
Wübbena, H. (2018):
Gruppendynamik von Sportspiel-Mannschaften, Entwicklung eines feldtheoretischen Modells zur Beobachtung gruppendynamischer Prozesse,
Wiesbaden: Springer
Team Diagnosis
The latest values of the group properties, the so called group dynamic factors, will be captured on a regular basis during the planning cycle. For the survey we use questionnaires that can be completed individually with little effort and quite comfortable on a smartphone, tablet, etc.. The responsible Mental Coach or Sports Psychologist can combine the results with own observations during practice and competition and past and future experiences of the team in order to interpret the results for the team. Based on the latest values and the development over time possible interventions can derived. The whole method is based on cooperation of all group members to the benefit of the team but is keeping individual answers confidential. It is focused on sustainable development and the long term success of the team and should ideally be implemented as a structural element of the organization.
The Diagnosis Portal
For the Team Diagnosis we have developed a proprietary Portal for mental coaches, sports psychologists and team coaches. Inside the portal you can start and finish the surveys for the team diagnosis and have access to automatically generated report. The user of the portal can comment and interpret the results. If multiple measurements are available you can graphically illustrate the development of selected group dynamic factors over time. Reports can be downloaded as PDF-documents on push button request.
Take the benefits from 360° Coaching !
You are mental coach, sports psychologist or business consultant and would like to use the iGPM®-Team Diagnosis for your team coaching?
You would like to use the iGPM®-Team Diagnosis for your sports team or business teams and look for a qualified external coach?